Today, I’m going to give you three tips on how to close more deals immediately.
Look, sales has been my thing. I’ve been doing it for a long time and I actually had a hard time kind of coming up with the three things I think are key to close more deals immediately, but I really look back at my early days and what I see being done inconsistently a lot.
So number one, assume the sale. Assume you’re going to go in. Assume they’re going to buy. Assume that they’re interested. Assume that they’re not going to push back. Assume that you have a good product at the right price, that you’re going to bring value, you’re going to overcome their objections. I think so many people go in assuming they’re not going to get the sale. Especially if you’re on a losing streak right now. You’ve had a lot of pushback. Buyers aren’t buying the same. Pricing’s gone up. You’re getting more nos. And you start to go in hesitant or with a negative outlook.
A positive outlook, and just visualizing success. So I used to do something in my truck before I’d go into any sales call, especially in home because you’re in their environment. I’d sit there and I would visualize the deal going well. I would visualize a positive outcome. I’d visualize myself being charismatic and making them laugh and making them feel like they can trust me and making them feel like they’re making a good decision. And I was really good at the visualizing, and I would just go follow through on it.
Sales is a lot of nos. It’s a lot of kick in the nuts. It’s a lot of struggle. It’s a lot of effort sometimes for deals not to go through. But I promise you, you visualize positively, you visualize with an assume the sale perspective, and it’s going to go a long way.
Two, ask for the sale. I still, I don’t understand this. You do a great job. You deliver a great presentation. You do everything they want. You overcome their objections, but you never actually just say, “Hey, if I can do this, this, this, and this, are you prepared to do business with me?” Different formulas for different environments, but, “Hey, if I can deliver X scope within Y budget by Z timeframe, are you prepared to do business with me?” Or, “What’s stopping you from saying yes today?” Or, “What else are you looking for to help you become more comfortable in choosing to do business with me?”
I think a lot of salespeople look at them as conflict type questions, like you’re creating a contest. It’s a hard question. I mean, you’re forcing them to answer you honestly. But I think asking for the sale is one of the biggest misses I see in all industries from a sales perspective. People are just afraid to get the no, so they don’t ask at all. They say, “Okay, well let me know if you have any questions. I can’t wait to do business with you,” and then they just walk out. They don’t ever ask for the sale. You just assume that they’re going to reach out. I still hear people, “Dude, if they want to do business with me, they’ll call me.” Really? Who do you think you are? That’s not how this shit works, man. You’ve got to ask for the sale in-person. You’ve got to be charismatic. You’ve got to have great delivery. You have to communicate the story well. You have to make them feel like they can know, like, and trust you to be doing business with you, because more often than not, especially in the construction world, you’re doing a very big intrusive project typically. You got to ask for the sale.
And the third, I kind of just talked about it, but follow up. I talk about follow-up Friday. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been posting follow up Friday on my social media.. Every week I get a DM from somebody saying, “Dude, Mike, thanks for reminding me. Man, I did five follow ups today. I closed two deals. Man, thank you so much.” There’s so much opportunity in that wake of unclosed deals behind you, that if you just spent two hours every week, every Friday from 1:00 to 3:00, that was when I used to do it because that’s how I kind of closed out my week. Every Friday from 1:00 to 3:00 was my follow up time. I would follow up with everybody that was in a previous prospect or a proposal that was delivered or a referral partner I hadn’t heard back from in a while, whatever it was. I did follow ups every Friday. And I will tell you the amount of people that just say, “Well, they’ll call me if they want to do business with me.” People get distracted, things come up in their life. You’re just not the top priority to them like they are to you. Most of the big deals that you want, they’re really important to you. You’re not that important to them.
So the person who does the best job in assuming the sale, asking for the sale, and following up effectively, if you do any one of those three things, you’re going to close more deals. If you do all three of those things, I guarantee you start closing more deals immediately.
If you have questions on that, if you want to understand that more, reach out to me. Shoot me a DM. Let’s get you connected to one of the coaches on the team. Let’s get you some advice to help you implement some of those strategies. Because, look, sales is the lifeblood of all businesses. And especially with market volatility and supply chain issues, projects are going to get pushed out, which is going to slow down cash flow. So the more deals you’re bringing in, the better, right now.
So if you need help with any of that, those are the three things I think are most important from a high level perspective. Visualize success, ask for the close confidently, and follow up consistently.
If you do those three things, I guarantee you start closing more deals immediately and you’ll start winning fast and winning often.