Building a company culture is one of the most underrated things I see, because it’s really easy as the leader to get distracted by your own problems, get distracted by what’s going on in your life, get distracted by the fires that pop up and you make decisions very short term. Make decisions about how is this going to solve a problem today? How is this going to create impact today? How is this going to make money today? Building a culture takes time. I look at it as farming, right? I’m a plant a seed, I’m going to water the shit out of it for a year and then it’s going to develop it into a plant that provides fruit.

Employees and culture is the same thing. You have to look at it as a 6, 12, 18 month strategy pouring into somebody today that will get me this yield down the road. Even with my video people. These guys are awesome people. I’m going to pour into them and Cooper’s been a great friend of Ryan’s, an employee of Ryan’s, and I’ve gotten to know him really well. But he knows what he’s going to get when he shows up here because I’ve been planting those seeds over time. It’s going to be a good shoot. It’s going to be one take. It’s going to go awesome. We’re going to have some laughs. We’re going to have some great conversations. We’re going to catch up. That isn’t easy but he knows what he’s going to get when he shows up here every single time because the consistency is there. You can’t plant a seed, water it today and then don’t touch it for six weeks and think you’re going to get something from that.

And building a company culture is very similar. So this is where I see a lot of shortcomings. I’m going to say some things I’ve learned the hard way. I think making too many changes to the mission is a challenge. I’ve done it. I’ve seen a lot of businesses do that. Who we are, what we’re trying to do, our price point, who we’re helping, who were hiring, what projects we’re taking on, what projects we’re not taking on a lot of changes to the mission. I think to have a strong company culture, there has to be a long-term strategy mindset around what is our mission, win rate. Our mission is to simplify and systemize the growth of home service companies. And I’ve been saying that for three years. Every week, every team call, this is our mission. If it doesn’t align with that mission, it’s not for us.

And sometimes that means you have to sacrifice good things in your routine, in your pricing structure, in your offers, in your client base and your employees. You got to sacrifice good for great because there’s going to be some things that help your mission that you have to say no to that you have to get rid of that you have to decline, that you have to fire. Sometimes you have to fire really good employees because they’re just not great in alignment with the mission and that’s hard to do. Sometimes I see people adjust their mission because of the players they have. You can’t do that. You can’t change what you are trying to accomplish as a company or the impact you’re trying to make based on the assets or resources that you have, that will dilute your culture because people aren’t going to know what they’re showing up for, which also bleeds into the standards.

If there’s a mission, there has to be standards. SOP, standard operating procedures, but literally just like what are you expecting from your employees? What are you expecting out of them? Because what will happen, I see this a lot, your best employees, those revenue generators, they get away with a whole lot more than the other people do. You’ll probably let your top sales rep get away with murder, but your receptionist gets yelled at every fucking day. No, you can’t do that, that dilutes the culture. You have to have a standard across the board. And I’m going through a season right now where we’re probably going to be letting go some of our employees in one of my companies just because they’re good, not great. And it’s not so much what they are today. This is where a lot of people fail. As your mission continues, as your journey grows, there’s evolution.

And I’m going to talk about my core values here in a second, but one of our core values is continually evolve. So we’re always trying to get better. So we’re trying to be on this plane of increase, this plane of improvement. Well, if you have an employee that’s here and it’s closed, they’re good, not great. Over time, that gap, that delta, will destroy the way you feel about that person. I’m sure if you’ve ever had an employee, dude, they were like freaking great last year. What happened? What happened is you got better and they didn’t. They’re actually the same person, same qualities, same standards they hold themselves accountable to. But if you don’t hold everybody the same standard, they won’t evolve with you, they just won’t. And that will mean that I can look at today, same concept. What will this seed grow into in 12 to 18 months?

If I know right now that seed does not have a high propensity to grow into fruit that I actually want, then I’m not going to spend the next 6, 12, 18 months watering that seed ’cause I’m not going to get what I’m looking for. So same concept in being consistent with the mission over longer periods of vision. Employees are the same way and the standards need to be held the same way. Now you can’t do this with your standards and think you’re going to build a quality culture. One of my “I am” statements is I am going to keep a very high, clear and fair standard. Anybody who’s been around me knows that I hold people to an incredibly high standard. And it’s not always fun and it’s not always easy, it’s actually never easy, but that’s what I live up to because that’s what I want for my culture.

If we’re going to be coaches, right? If we’re going to be coaching other business owners, we have to be setting the standard and being the example. That’s actually two of the things we talk about is that we will set the standard and we will be the example. Well, you can’t do that if you’re not literally living up to the standards that I create. So they’re fair, they’re clear, but they’re very high and I have to do that evenly across the team or you will not get buy-in. Like you cannot let anybody not look to the standard. I see this happen a lot with family in your business, friends in your business, long-standing employees where like, dude, they’ve been here for 30 years, man, they just can’t get on board with technology and I don’t know what to do about it. You fire their ass.

There is no middle ground here. You have to hold the standard or you will dilute your own company culture and you will have people revolt or just quit because high performers that they’re holding theirselves here, if you’re holding everybody else here, they’ll go find a team that they want to be on. The best players want to be on the best teams, and that’s a fact. Winners want to win and winners want to be a part of winning teams. If you’re allowing a B squad to operate, A players aren’t going to want to be there. Repetition is also important. So we’re going to look further ahead. We’re going to hold a high standard and then we’re going to repeat that mission, that vision and those standards as often as possible. I’ve said this for as long as I can remember. If your employees are not tired of hearing about the core values, you’re not talking about them enough.

So here’s ours. And I’m a big fan of acronyms ’cause I think it helps relay the message effectively. So our core values actually spell COACH. It was actually an accident and no one believes me, but I can tell you the people that were in the room were like, oh shit, that spells coach. And I’m like, ding, we’re using that. But it’s communicate proactively, operate with the help first mentality, appreciate everyone’s time  including your own, continually evolve, and have a championship mindset. We talk about these core values every week in our team meetings. We kick off our team meetings with reviewing a core value that maybe wasn’t being acknowledged appropriately or executed appropriately. Maybe its, I want to highlight somebody who went above and beyond in one or more of our core values for the week.

We had a great story last week where my events and volunteer manager went wildly above and beyond for one of the attendees of an event we had without being asked, without being promoted, without even asking for permission. She went and spent money on something that she knew would be the right thing to do. And you can’t train that, you can only pour into that. You can only nurture that. You can, like I said, plant that seed, water it and it’ll grow and bear fruit that you want. And so consistency and repetition it is. Repetition also builds trust. A culture only works if they trust what you’re saying and what you’re doing. So being repetitive means like, oh, this is real, this is standard. We have to believe in this because it’s the only way.

You can’t change all the time. You can’t be changing what you’re doing, who you’re doing it for, where you’re doing it, when you’re doing it,  how you’re charging for it, and think people are going to buy into that. So the repetition and consistency here in what is the standard, how are we doing it? And then the fourth part, documenting the standard. So we document our SOPs, our standards, so that they can be a resource to our employees, right? Because most employees want to do what’s right, but if they don’t have it ironed out for them or laid out for them or documented for them, they don’t have a resource they can go to.

And if they don’t, they’re going to try really hard on their own and they’re likely going to get it wrong because their standards that you set, not they set. And so having a resource, like I’ve mentioned before we use Asana, it’s a project management app that we have our core values built out in as well as our SOPs. So if you have a reference of how do we do this or how does this happen or when does this happen or how does this work? Or how does that work? We’ve built out a platform, we’ll say a resource, a reference so that our employees can go see how do I do this to the standard? Not just how do I get it done, how do I do it to the standard? And we use pictures, we use loom videos, Zoom videos, mirror boards. We use all kind of different resources within that reference tool, but that allows our employees to not just know it, but then have a way to go back and reference it to make sure they’re hitting the standard.

There’s not a single thing you’re going to do to build a perfect culture, and perfect is relative, it’s very subjective, but I would say sustainable culture. It is incredibly necessary that you understand what you want it to be and you just don’t accept anything less. The minute you start accepting less, you’re going to hate yourself and at some point you’re going to hate your business. I see a lot of business owners who allow the standard to be minimized or not handled appropriately and they end up not wanting to go to work anymore. I know a lot of business owners that allow the standard and the culture to drop so bad that they don’t even want to be there anymore. And if you’ve done that, it’s not too late, you can fix that, you can change that. But it starts with being consistent, being clear, being on top of it and just not accepting anything less.

If you have questions on that, I’d love to talk to you. Ultimately we want to help you win fast and often, that’s what we talk about, so that you can build a championship version of your life!

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Adam McChesney

Adam McChesney is a serial entrepreneur based in St. Louis, MO. Originally a medical device sales rep, he transitioned into entrepreneurship full-time in the midst of the pandemic in July 2020.Since going out on his own, Adam has leveraged his skillset of personal branding & digital marketing to grow multiple companies at this point.He is the Founder of Builders of Authority, and Co-Owner at Auto Glass Repair of STL.Formerly, Adam was the VP of Growth and Partner at Hite Digital, a digital marketing agency that Adam helped grow to a 2x INC 5000 award winner. Adam was named Hite Digital Franchise of the Year in both 2021 & 2022.After building a multiple 7-figure agency with personal branding, Adam decided to launch Builders of Authority, which offers group coaching & 1-1 consulting for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to take their personal branding to the next level. Builders of Authority LIVE are Adam’s in person events where he brings in world-class speakers to teach and educate attendees on how to become THE authority in their industries.He is the host of the Builders of Authority Podcast, and has been a guest on over 200 podcasts himself.After 2.5 years of being a WinRate Consulting client, Adam came on as a Business Coach in January 2024.Adam is married to his wife Delaney, and they have 1 child, a boy named Murphy along with a dog, Georgie.

Doug Mitchell

Doug Mitchell is an accomplished entrepreneur and sales strategist with over 15 years of experience in building high-performing sales teams. His significant achievements include transforming Argenta Field Solutions into a robust organization that earned $35 million over 13 years. He launches products for AT&T, DirecTV and even his own Solar Brand. In 2022, he founded BGST Consulting, which leverages his extensive experience to help businesses enhance their sales strategies through the CODOC philosophy—Compensation, Opportunity, Development, Operations, and Culture. Doug also hosts the “Building Great Sales Teams” podcast, a resource-rich platform with over 300 episodes that offers insights from Doug and other industry leaders. More recently Doug join the well aligned WinRate team to coach and consult their clients to Win Fast and Win Often! A devoted Christian, husband, and father of three, Doug leans on his faith and wife when facing adversity.

Mia Vecchio
Event Manager - Hall of Fame | Executive Assistant to Mike

Mia has been with the WinRate Team since December 2022! She loves throwing events and and has 8 years’ experience in customer service which makes her role as Director of Hall of Fame the most fulfilling fit.

Mia was born and raised in Connecticut and is now living in Greenville, SC. She loves the beach, she loves the mountains and loves spending time with her dogs Henry and Obie. She looks forward to making an impact alongside her WinRate Team! 

Mallory Matthewson
Operations Asst. | Onboarding

Mallory assists with the WinRate Team’s backend operations. She is new to the coaching world, but brings a fresh perspective with over 12 years’ experience in Customer Relations. From Pest Control to Logistics, and Manufacturing to Finance, she has worked in various fields across the board but has a true heart for the customer experience. She has a Business Management degree, but with her experience in multiple industries, she’s able to relate to all customers on a personal level.

Originally from the Foothills of the NC mountains, she now resides outside of Charlotte, NC with her husband and their two daughters (Abby and Allie). She enjoys reading, traveling, and spending intentional time with her family.

Lindsey Kandrack
Chief Operations Officer

Lindsey assists with the WinRate team’s backend operations, she brings over 15 years’ experience of business and entrepreneurship.

From selling environmental control products in corporate America, to owning her own mattress and furniture business, to managing operations to 50+ dealers within the furniture and case goods industry. She has a marketing degree in her back pocket but her experience of working in and with small businesses she can easily relate to entrepreneurs having to wear many “hats!” Lindsey has been with WinRate and Mike and since 2019!

Originally from Syracuse, NY with a stretch in Pittsburgh, PA she currently resides just outside Charlotte, NC with her husband Keith and two children Kasey and Quinn. She loves the outdoors, and you may find her coaching or competitively exercising in her spare time ;-)

Tiffany Claudio
Chief of Staff | Director of Events

Hi, I’m Tiffany Claudio and you guessed it, I’m Mrs. WinRate herself. I joined WinRate full time in May of 2021 to help Mike and Lindsey (aka my sister wife) with the day to day administrative activities, in addition to event planning.

I come from a corporate career in Agile IT environments. There I coached teams on how to strategically plan out their annual goals, by breaking them out into smaller more manageable deliverables. I also helped identify and develop metrics to ensure the teams stayed on track with their objectives and understood if/when they needed to pivot.

Originally from Roanoke, VA with a short stint at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, I now reside just outside Charlotte, NC with the one and only Mike Claudio and our two boys, MJ & Everett.

Lyle Nearby

With 30 years of experience in sales/customer service, Lyle decided to leave the corporate world and open AdvantaClean of Monroe in 2010. Lyle and his family live in Union County and are very involved in the local community. He has coached Tee Ball, Coach Pitch baseball and soccer. Lyle is a board member of the American Red Cross of Union County, a board member for A Champion’s Shoes, involved in the Union County Chamber, and supports various local charities.

Les Brannen

Les is an entrepreneur that is the CEO of Mountain High Mulch. After spending 20 years in the corporate world as director of operations he had a burning desire to open his own business and lead from the front.

He has a strong background in leadership, culture building, and overall customer experience. His company has been featured on Netflix Instant Dream Home, and continues to be recognized for outstanding community leadership and business growth within his community.

Les lives in Marietta, GA with his wife Jen and together have 3 children Skyla(20), August (17), and Jude (14). He is very passionate about physical fitness, mental clarity and developing business owners with a servant leadership mentality.

Nate Griffin

Nate Griffin is an entrepreneur with background in finance and business management. Over the last 10 years, he has built successful companies. One of which is now a multi-million dollar design build construction company. He has been around the construction industry his entire life.

Nate has a passion for helping people change their relationship to money through their business and finances. With a thorough understanding of cash flow, finance, and investing, Nate wants to share his experience to help others move into the CEO role of their own companies and lives.

Nate lives in Wilkesboro, NC with his wife, Lydia. He loves the outdoors, wakeboarding, cool cars, and great coffee.

Sam Kaufman
Director of Revenue | Coach

 Sam Kaufman is an entrepreneur, leader, husband and father of 2.  He is a firm believer that we must never stop building ourselves in our businesses, homes, and self.

Sam started out as a sole proprietor cabinet installer in a van and grew to 7 figures in under 3 years. He has operated businesses in multiple cities and is an avid core value implementer, standard operating procedure creator, and team builder. That cabinet installation business became a kitchen and bath remodeling business, a design company, and a retail flooring store in under 6 years.

Sam is passionate about growth and improvement. A natural leader he is deeply passionate about helping other business owners become the BEST versions of themselves and sees a better future for the home services industry.

Clifton Muckenfuss
Director of Coaching | Coach

Clifton Muckenfuss is an Entrepreneur with an extensive background in Sales, Marketing and Leadership. He has Co-Founded several successful service based companies, one being a multi-million dollar Home Improvement Company. 

With a passion for people, Clifton is hyper focused on Client Experience, and his companies have won numerous awards for Service Excellence. He / his companies have been featured in Inc. Magazine, Qualified Remodeler, and Remodeling Magazine.

Clifton now works with Contractors and Service-based businesses in the areas of Sales, Training and Marketing to help them implement systems and processes to create Customers for Life and “own a business” instead of a “job.”

Mike Claudio
CEO & Coach

I have spent the last 17 years not just selling products and services but learning how to go out and actually develop business, create routines and consistency, develop discipline, and make a bigger impact on those around me then just money!

My sales and management career started in retail with Verizon Wireless before working in their enterprise business to business sales team. During my time in Corporate America, I was given some of the best training in the world and really developed an obsession-like energy for consistency, communication and the client experience.

While my formal training is in the corporate setting, I’ve always been pulled towards smaller companies where I could work with entrepreneurs to help them bring big changes to grow their business. I was a great salesman, but I found my love and passion for the people, processes and services of the construction industry. When I was given the opportunity work with a residential general contracting business in Charlotte, I jumped at the idea of using my experiences and training to help create a sales and client management system specific for this market.

I have proven my system and processes to Identify, Target, Qualify and Acquire clients works. With a heavy focus on communication, follow-through, and follow-up I believe any company can increase sales and profits and I want to be the one to help you do that!

I brought massive success to companies I worked for but want to help more business owners get out of the daily grind and develop a business that worked for them instead of wearing them out. Since starting WinRate Consulting I have helped hundreds of paying clients and 10’s of thousands of business owners through my free online content on my podcast and YouTube channel.

I have been on dozens of stages and spoken in front of thousands of people to get the message across that YOU can be different and YOU can dream bigger and YOU can make it come to life! At this point I am 100% confident I can help any size business improve, I can help any owner or leader create better habits and a more disciplined life, and I can change the culture of a company into a place people want to work instead of constant frustrations and lack of buy in!

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