Social Media – Outbound Engagement for Business Development
As you saw in my previous post on Business Development, there are 3 parts to this, Outbound, Story Telling, Video…
They are all important but I think outbound engagement is one of the most consistent things you HAVE CONTROL of that you can do from anywhere and anytime. At a basic and ground level perspective, it is simply engaging with others on social media proactively and with some intent.
Many of you are in social media groups because of this exact process. I used it to grow my goup, Construction Selling on Facebook. I Follow, like, comment, DM….you to get you into this group so I could give very specific valuable content to a group of people interested in getting it.
All of the activity had a purpose with an end goal in mind. Target specific types of people, engage with them and they will engage with you.
It is so easy because people post on social media to get engagement. They are wanting people to like and comment and enjoy what they are putting out there so by engaging you are giving them exactly what they want.
I post consistently and give value added content as much as possible so as people begin to engage with me they stick around because they like what they see.
However, the bottom line is you need to be putting yourself in front of more people on a more consistent basis by engaging with them.
Process: Find people who would benefit from your content. Follow them, like and comment on their posts
DM asking how you can help them or some other value add… (DO NOT SELL YOURSELF IMMEDIATLY!)
It is very similar to finding a date. You don’t lead with a booty call. If you are, that may be why you keep getting the wrong type of people in your life…
Romance them a little. Give them comments and likes for a few weeks before you jump in their DMs. You want them to know and LIKE you. Just knowing you isn’t enough so take it easy and take your time! You want to be a recognizable name before you jump in the DMs. Best way to do that is to like and comment with people that is relevant and authentic. Don’t sound like a sales person or someone that is obviously there to just get value. Approach it with a very “How can I help” mentality and you will win. Approach it trying to sell immediately and you will not get good involvement.
Have you ever used this or a similar approach to gain awareness?